Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hearts will be deeply moved by which constellation? (3)

In fact, many times, intentionally unintentional effect of whom more than work, why we have "determined to grow flowers flowers do not open, unintentional positive outcomes," the argument. This is the constellation Libra, and their feelings in an ambush not deep not shallow, not deliberately provocative, but always inadvertently spun their hearts of others to compose a melody section of the rough. Never liked the scales to be so direct, as they hesitate to personality, find out each other's thoughts without prior, only waiting to see near or far, until the dust settles, will be opened in the heart of the most beautiful flowers, notice the world. They spun a thrilling skills is a very artistic conception of beauty. As the winding corridors, always introducing depth, do you want to know if there will be a different kind of Cave's another kind of circumstances. As long as the other side of the scales have a good impression, they can not help but follow the fog that shrouded even find that it is their mistake, it will not get angry, sighing sound like the most is that too much. Libra If you are interested, must be especially patient treated each other, but not determined before each other's feelings is not a big stride forward. It's that intentionally or unintentionally, "disturb" each other, occasionally a thoughtful text message, for a period not Shall not say love the message, always make each other wondering for a long time, if it is impulsive personality each other, maybe to take the initiative to have been spun off from playing a chord.

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