Sunday, December 12, 2010

12 constellations of the most basic necessities, like what kind of

Most like the items - a simple pocket camera
Features: Simple, fast
Aries is a constellation of 12 constellations of the first one, like a born baby, the mind is not fully developed, and doing things clear, straightforward.
As a fool the camera, do not read manuals, do not have to study its structure will be able to understand how to use. Need not telescopic focal length, as long as one likes to see something, you can use it to shoot down the shutter button is pressed. Of course, there are bad places, that is, the photos can only be washed out to see the picture quality, good or bad, it reminds Aries of the people still have to think clearly in order to put into action, can not be later regretted. Even if do not like to tune the focal length, but as long as the standing of experienced people to stand where ever shot, the screen effect will still good.

Like most items - Calculator

Features: the ability to quickly calculate the addition and subtraction multiplication and division
Do not think the Taurus will only eat, they are also a very shrewd man in mind. Even indulging in a romance, also will not be carried away by love, they will always calculate their own pockets.
Especially in the before and after breaking up, like a calculator that can calculate the accumulated feelings of their own to pay for this number, in addition to their own feelings but also money. Breaking up the day they generally do not cry, but will climb in bed, memories of two people ever to send a gift to each other, calculate the amount spent is more than their own, if just the other side to spend more than their own, they will Qiexi, lovelorn injuries will also reduce the pain.

Like most items - Computers

Features: Update fast, more than the amount of information
Gemini's ability to learn, but can not be ignored, they are very willing to accept new things, may even be able to learn several kinds of different things, but they are also tired of surprising speed, we like a computer.
We will find the time to use the computer almost every day a new generation of computer-generated. And the computer are also included in the amount of information that people can not imagine, astronomy, geography, food ... ... Ever since people are so, everything will be aware that some, but they were concerned that something is too mixed, and on key words such as online , will be updated every few hours.
Like most items - Automatic Washing Machine
Features: good service, the family must have

The most gentle, most women in the number of colors to Cancer, whether man or Crab Crab women are very fond of housework, but also makes one feel great to see the family a warm feeling when you want to quickly hold home.
This is not a fully automatic washing machine like we have seen the time? Understand the function of washing machines, and found It can wash the clothes clean, they can choose different fabrics of different cleaning modes and, finally, drying clothes can be almost what you want comfort, this washing machine are to meet you the time, you will not hesitate to pay it to buy a home.

Cancer of the people so the family can provide the most comfortable model, fail to appreciate the family's needs, can be called indispensable instant hit at home. Leo
Like most items - VIP Card
Features: honorable, proprietar
Do not like the dark and ambiguous relationship is a Leo one of the greatest features, but also those who prefer Leo agency thing. They will have a number of male chauvinism, like you listen to him, of course, when he showed them to you also shows that when only you can enjoy such privileges.
Leo wanted to come to are very distinguished people like the forest lion, a symbol of VIP as part of their re-close, however, and a symbol of noble status and enjoy special services. You can use the VIP card transactions have become clear. VIP wanted to come but are strong opponents goods, no matter what brand just launched a VIP card, immediately there will be people to handle, the same Leo person will rarely single, just bachelor may already have a group of its money.
Like most items - Electric Toothbrush
Features: clean, perfect

Electric toothbrushes are introduced in the past few years an alternative to the traditional toothbrush new technology products. Than the traditional toothbrush in the brush head on the construction of smart, clean out for this purpose can be more hidden in the mouth of the dirty stuff, but no longer, as before, and expend a tremendous amount of force to the teeth from all angles, as long as the battery can be installed automatically from a variety of angles to the teeth taken care of well, so both can be called a cavity clean and perfect product to use.
This is precisely people like the Virgo character, they like their lives clean and require every small detail can be a clean-up clean, and hope that things can handle it perfectly. Therefore, Virgo will be very capable of doing things are often more efficiently, because Virgo to use their accumulated experience, coupled with analytical minds, things are often tends to perfection.
Like most items - perfume
Features: Elegant, beautifu
Libra people will ask themselves to be very strict, they do not allow their own dirty, does not allow that they are not elegant, in fact, in a sense, Libra people will be a little perfectionist. Perfume is not one already removed the body odor of a goods, it symbolizes the balance of elegance. Libra's often a bit hesitant indecisive, will always sensitive to the basis of nerve change, to adapt to the environment, this is also quite similar to perfume, perfume will be divided into pre-stressed in the reconciliation of notes, according to the different occasions distributed a different flavor. Scorpio
Like most items - make-up
Features: flirtatious, mysterious and

Scorpio people are very charismatic, and often debilitating heart at first sight. Women seem to like the make-up, are often counter out of the gorgeous display of color and variety of uses to attract and stop men also prefer a face, dress elegant girl.
You can be very detailed knowledge of the use of a variety of make-up, as well as how to use the method would be nice, but when you want to know make-up of the production process, as well as when the material can only be wishful thinking, and this is also very similar to Scorpio, you can understand Scorpio's personality, but if you want to enter the hearts of Scorpio better understanding of their true thoughts, they should blow a gasket!
Like most items - mp3
Features: free, light

Sagittarius people are the fire in the analytical phase constellation one of the best, but they generally have self-empowerment, but their hearts have always been yearning for a natural, free.
The birth of mp3 this is to comply with the spirit of the people come, no matter how it's replacement, which is always light, suitable for carrying people. Now the new line of non-headphone mp3 than ever This is a feature. Sagittarius look closely you will find that they are very young and, like mp3, and prefer the style of movement and take the simplicity of line.
Like most items - Mercedes-Benz

Features: standing, durable
Capricorn are in fact quite the hardy, regardless of their origin is noble, they would put their own goals very high, do not like to rely on at home that he worked hard for a world, so often to the old is still hard work, the name In fact, life of toil Fu. But the Capricorn in the thirties, when will all have their own cause and a certain social status, receive recognition and appreciation of many people, just like Mercedes-Benz car-worthy buyer's trust. Is a characteristic of their durability, this may also wish to Capricorn, you have to slowly learn that he can know the good Capricorn, and the Mercedes-Benz is a slow heat, like type, they do not like Ferrari can immediately add speed. Aquarius
Like most items - mobile phones

Features: fashion, communication tools
Aquarius people are always very loving, they have put all kinds of worldly look very thorough, so many things to accept quickly, like cell phones, you can receive information from your computer, and from other mobile phones, from networks ... ... but they also have a great many styles for people to choose, for each one to take care of people use cell phones to. Aquarius is usually people who have good communication edge, which is their birthright, and when you communicate with them will be very easy to become friends after, in a group, the Aquarius people are often one of communication bridges, is equivalent to the role of mobile phones, people understand the information through the mobile phone, you can also communicate with others via mobile phones. Pisces
Like most items - Crystal Music Box

Features: romantic, fragile
Pisces people are often more romantic, and their romantic nerves than any other constellation of people must be developed, but they are also because it will be very thin, sensitive and easily hurt. Pisces girls in particular, is very easy to discuss someone else's love, just as people are not tired of crystal music box, see it, the mood will be good, I heard emanating from inside the crisp music, will feel the romantic to the extreme, these are also Pisces girls are able to distribute out of nature.
Crystal Music Box, but also extremely easy to break, more fine workmanship the more that people can not stand the touch accidentally, so that the girls should be treated Pisces special care very much greater care!

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