Sunday, December 19, 2010

Taurus Annual forecasts

April 21, 2010 - May 21, 2011

The expansive influence you have been experiencing in your social life and the opportunity to improve the relationship you have with a friend and/or son/daughter-in-law since January 2010 looks like it will be around until early June 2010. It will return again early in September 2010 and stay around until the end of January 2011.

During these times it seems that you will have a better chance than usual to improve your social life and to increase your social circle, as well as the opportunity to share you similar interests within a group setting. If you have been thinking about joining any type of group, then these periods of times are the best ones for doing this.

A development during the second half of May 2010 involving these areas of your life (or a son/daughter-in-law), is likely to be stressful because it seems that you won’t know which direction to take with a situation or relationship… go forwards with it, or let it go? The good news is that a decision is likely to be reached by the end of that month, resolving a lot of stress for you.Other periods of time that are important in these areas of your life include September 2010 and again from the end of December 2010 until the middle of January 2011. Sudden, unusual and/or unexpected opportunities to make new friends, change the way you relate to them, or a son/daughter-in law are possible during these times. This is the beginning of an exciting new cycle that gives you the chance to make a quick new start in whichever way suits your circumstances: a new person that enters your life in these areas is likely to be like a breath of fresh air. The energies around you during these times also suggest that if you have been thinking about doing so, that you will be in an excellent position to either join or start a group that you share an interest with.

It is important during the times mentioned to keep an open mind and flexible attitude in order to make the most of the changes and opportunities that come into your life during this period of time. Just because a situation doesn’t turn out as planned doesn’t make it a bad thing! In fact, it is likely to be the best thing to happen to you for a long time!

As mentioned at the start of this forecast, this energy shifts gears from early June until early September 2010, and again from the end of January 2011 onwards. During these times it seems that you will be in an excellent position to benefit from the help you have given others in the past in the form of it returning to you now… for those of you who believe in it this is likely to be a positively karmic period of time.

The energy working in your life during this time is also likely to be a positive one for researching a new project or preparing for a new start this is coming in your next forecast period. However, it may be wise to avoid actually launching it until then.

Dates that look important as part of the processes mentioned above include the first half of June 2010 when an unexpected development or realisation is likely to dramatically change your options for the future. This is likely to be something that happens that others that don’t know you very well, will probably not even realize is happening for you.

Other important dates include the period from early July until the end of August 2010, and again during the second half of February 2011. These periods of time are likely to be emotionally intense ones and stressful in terms of a matter involving a legal, educational, moral and/or spiritual concern. There may also be a situation involving one of your grandchildren and/or a brother/sister-in-law that reaches a stressful turning point during these times. The good news is that although stressful, these periods of time will help to address any power imbalances and uncover the truth regarding the people and situations involved.

The second half of August 2010 and again the last week of March 2011 also look like important times in terms researching your options and preparing for a fresh start in your next forecast period. Energies around you during these times are very dynamic and represent a major turning point and better understanding of where your future path is. A health issue may need attention during this time, as well as a major relationship or situation that was prominent in 2000 – the periods of time mentioned earlier represent the opportunity to better understand what was happening all those years ago, and where you can go from now.

The challenges you have been facing since September 2007 in regards to the relationship you share with one of your children continues to be prominent now: this focus will be around until the end of July 2010. Alternatively, issues around a love affair, pregnancy and/or the possibility of having children may be a serious focus for you.

These themes are likely to be especially prominent towards the end of April 2010 when an unexpected development involving these aspects of your life will mean having to decide whether to strike out on a totally different path, or to stay with the conservative and/or known. I feel that the trick is not to go to either extreme, but to try and balance the new with the old in a workable way. The end of May 2010 is also likely to be a period when a turning point will be reached with these matters.

This energy shifts gears late in July 2010 and will be in effect until 2012. It seems that your focus during this time will be on issues around your health and on restructuring the way you live daily life. For example, you may need to be retrained, rehabilitated or go from full-time work to becoming a student or vice-a-versa: these are just some examples, so you may experience a variety of affects but the central theme remains the same – restructuring of your daily life. The changes you experience during this time are likely to take some time to adjust to.

Almost as soon as this energy shifts gears it is accelerated into action: it seems that a situation that comes up (most likely involving another person) at the end of July or early August 2010 will highlight something that needs to change in terms of how you run your daily life. This situation is likely to come in an unexpected or unusual manner, and will require a lot of flexibility and an open-mind in order to handle it in the most fruitful way. The potential benefits to you are enormous and include the chance to free yourself from unnecessary burdens and also to work on improving a health concern you have had for some time. This is also an opportunity to restructure your life in a way that reflects what is part of your life path or vocation.

Another important period of time in terms of this focus on health and/or changing your daily structure is indicated during the second half of August 2010. This is likely to be an emotionally intense and stressful period for you, however, it also represents a major turning point not only with the areas mentioned, but also with a long-standing ethical, spiritual, legal, educational and/or foreign issue or person. This is likely to be a period of major breakthrough.

There are a couple of major energy shifts happening in the coming year for you: the first one happens on May 28 2010 and will be around until August 14 2010, then will return again on March 12, 2011 and be around for about 7 years. Like another energy in your life in the coming year, it strongly accents issues from the past, karma, spirituality and/or hidden enemies (sometimes our own self-sabotage!). This energy suggests that unexpected and unusual developments tied in with these aspects of your life will take you on down paths you never would have expected! It is important to keep an open mind with this energy. Some examples of how you could experience this energy include: unexpected or unusual spiritual awakening, people or situations from you past coming back to you when you least expect it, sudden dealings with places of retreat such as a hospital, prison, health spa, spiritual place of retreat, etc. These are just some ideas, the actual experience for you depends on your personal circumstances.

The other major energy shift happens early in April 2011 and will be around until early August 2011… a very short visit that will give you a taste of what to expect when it returns in your next forecast period. It does strongly suggest that you will be leaving a lot of the confusion and confusing situations that you have experienced since 1998, or perhaps you will begin to see the people and situations more clearly that have involved confusion and/or deception.

During this period of time it also seems that you are likely to become more involved than usual in artistic and/or spiritual groups. This is an excellent time to share these interests with others who are like-minded, and to also make new friends through this process. Just be aware that there may be a tendency to put these new friends on a pedestal!

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Aries Annual Forecasts

March 21, 2010 - April 20, 2011

Since the end of October 2009 there has been a heavy focus in your life that involves another person – most likely your marriage and/or business partner. This may be experienced as either as a sense of extra responsibility because of your involvement with this other person… or it could mean that you are missing them. The core meaning of this energy suggests that it is time to review the people in your life, and to think about whether they are still appropriate in terms of who you are at this stage in your life.

This energy can also mean that there is a change within a major relationship… some people get married under this energy, while a long-term relationship that is facing difficulties is likely to finish up if it is no longer appropriate for who you are now. New people that come into your life during this time are likely to be around for a long time.

This energy will take a short break from early April until the end of July 2010, giving you a period of respite from these situations in your life: this is also an excellent opportunity to recentre yourself and prepare for the return of this energy late in July 2010 where it will stay until 2012!

During this period of respite you are likely to need to revisit a situation/relationship that was prominent since the end of 2007 until the end of October 2009. This is likely to have been a situation at work, school, or wherever you spend the majority of your time, and/or a place of retreat such as a hospital, retreat or other place of confinement (physical or psychological).s part of this process of revisiting these situations and/or relationships it looks like there will be several important periods of time when developments are likely to reach a peak and period of change. The first one is from the middle of April until early May 2010 when a sudden and/or unexpected situation involving another person is likely to mean a change to your daily routine. Flexibility and an open mind are qualities that will help you make the most of this opportunity to restructure the way you live your life and to let go of outworn situations/relationships. This is THE time to make a break for freedom from situations that have been oppressive in the past.

Another pivotal point in dealing with these past people and situations is indicated during the second half of May 2010. The energies around you during this time suggest that you may not be sure about whether to cut your losses, or invest more time/energy/resources into a certain relationship or project. The reason for any stress around you now is likely to be because a decision needs to be made, and this should occur by the end of May 2010. A health issue may also reach a major turning point during this time.

As mentioned earlier, this energy shifts gears for a final time at the end of July 2010 and will be around until 2012… during this time it seems that relationships and responsibility will be a major focus for you.

As part of this focus on others and your where you are going in life in general, it seems that either a person or a situation is likely to shake things up for you any time from the middle of July until early August 2010. This is likely to be a period of time of instability and sudden changes that will mean that the actions of another person will radically change your life. It is important during this time to keep an open mind in order to make the most of the opportunities around you for letting go of the past, and moving on to an exciting new future!

Another period of time that is likely to be important in terms of where your life is going is during the second half of August 2010. Energies around you during this time strongly suggest that you will be reaching a major turning point in the direction of your life: perhaps through a career change, or situation involving one of your parents (most probably your mother) or an authority figure. Alternatively, other activities outside of your home may be the area of focus. Regardless of where this energy is experienced, it seems that you will be reassessing your life path during this time.

An energy shift early in June 2010 that will be around until early September 2010, and that will return again late in January 2011 to stay until your next forecast period suggests that you are ready to break free of at least some of the restrictions in your life and to make a positive fresh start. Regardless of what actually happens please keep in mind that in the long term you will be likely to look back at this period of time as one that was a turning point in your life.

These themes are especially strong during the first half of June 2010 when an unexpected opportunity or change in your life is likely to radically change your direction. Unexpected and/or unusual opportunities are likely to be prominent during this time – perhaps the best way to handle and prepare for these is to keep an open mind and flexible attitude. This is because the opportunities that arrive during this time are likely to be very different to those you have in mind!

Other periods of time that will be important in changing the course of your life are likely to be during July/August 2010 and also February 2011: events during this time are likely to be intensely emotional but will help you to make the changes needed in terms of your career, studies, relationship with others in general, relationship with authority figures and/or other activities outside of your home. Changes made now are likely to work out very well for you in the longer term and bring opportunities your way: these may relate to something or someone that was prominent during 2007.

The biggest energy shift happening this year is one that only occurs once every 84 years (give or a take a year), making this a once-in-a-lifetime event. You will get a taste for what to expect when this energy shifts gears for a short while from the end of May until the middle of August 2010 – it will come back to stay for about 7 years from the middle of March 2011 onwards.

This energy shift strongly suggests that you are ready to break free from any restrictions that you feel are holding you back, and that your need for freedom, excitement and to simply do things differently will be exceptionally strong. If you don’t experience this energy yourself, you may find that a person close to you does so that you indirectly experience this energy. It is important to know that this is a ‘very high energy’ experience and that you will need expression for its effects: anxiety disorders/electrical disturbances in the body are common side-effects of this energy because of this. This is especially relevant if you have had any disorders of this type in the past.

Sometimes this energy can mean that a person comes into your life that is radically different to anyone you have met before, and that is the catalyst for the changes that enter your life. Relationships that begin under this influence tend to be disruptive, exciting, unusual and invigorating: but generally unstable and short-lived. They also have the potential to teach you a lot about yourself that has been neglected until now!

Because this is a long term energy not all of you will feel it straight away. The coming year sees this energy being especially strong for those of you born around March 21. Regardless of how you experience this energy, it seems that when you look back at this period of time in your life once this energy has passed, you will be a totally different person then.

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Friday, December 17, 2010

12 constellations of the lucky mole

Western view constellations, telling the Chinese to see, but you have between the relevance of the unexpected! In light of China's Lunar New Year, each has its own constellation of moles lucky, if these moles on the health of the local, may be able to bring more luck.


lucky place: ears, neck

significance: Aries people active and adventurous spirit, if a mole on his forehead, would contribute greatly to the cause, to show that long before, the mole on the cheek to increase the wisdom and courage.


lucky place: the jaw, knee

significance: the Taurus were careful, prudent, ears and necks of the moles can add gentle charm, especially on the ears of moles, can bring good Cai Yun.


lucky place: hand, shoulder, nose under the
significance: Gemini people think of quick and good at communication, hand, shoulder and under the nose of the mole make it more wisdom, continued expansion in human relationships, can improve their own reputation.

lucky place: feet
significance: Cancer of people sensitive, loving home, chest of a mole Cancer, a child is love by the parents, if the moles on his chest great, good color, have the opportunity to become social celebrities.


lucky place: next to eye, back, shoulder and
significance: the strong leadership style Leo, if the back and shoulders of the mole, the color better, better for the outstanding leadership by members, eyes next to moles, you can bring good fortunes.


lucky place: the abdomen, navel DDD ; Lucky place: lips near
significance: the perfectionist Virgo,,work, in the abdomen near the navel and good mole, you can add a gentle temperament, to soften stubborn personality.


lucky place: the waist, jaw
significance: Libra people savvy, a good aesthetics, waist and lower jaw of the moles can be,help in a dilemma when a friend willing to Badaoxiangzhu, Wan Renyuan and love are quite good.


lucky place: the forehead and cheeks
significance: Wailengneire, Ganaiganhen the Scorpio, very self-confident personality, in Western eyes, lips near the mole is sexy, an increase of more Scorpio charming charisma. In addition, the location of the moles also make Scorpio sixth sense more keenly.



significance: the Sagittarius quite Yixing Yuan, is also idealists, hip lucky mole on the motor nerve can be enhanced, if the original is the athletes, the more opportunities notoriety.


lucky place: chest
significance: Capricorn of patience and perseverance amazing, jaw and knee mole, to make it more dynamic, three minutes heat will not work.


lucky place: the occasion, wrist, heel
significance: feelings of the world rich in Aquarius, both intellectual and emotional, freedom-loving and very, lucky mole's help, will have more intimate friends, many will also enjoy a good reputation and good luck Road.


lucky place: hip
significance: romantic thinking of Pisces, if a mole feet and can easily be promoted by the elders, if just the location of moles in the soles of the feet, show a strong human touch.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

The greatest fear inside of 12 constellation


Key words: loss of mobility

Aries acne by Mars guard has always been to work with enthusiasm and maneuvering, vigorous and resolute known, they sometimes like a restless ADHD children generally, as if never want to run around, adventurous, like to try a variety of fresh Movement, and tried all the things he did not, so Aries acne is a constellation of highly mobile force. If one day they lose their ability to act can no longer run and jump, and then Aries enormous power that will be no place to vent, this is really the same as to the pain of their life


Key words: financial loss

Guardian of the Taurus by Venus, cherish money, they spend their money out of each is so very carefully and hope that every penny can be spent most useful where they accumulate money and to work diligently, Hard working, is to look at the money's sake, what are they generally may be able to do this. But if one day, their hard earned money sudden devaluation or loss, they will be heavy and huge blow. Their dedication and hard things suddenly become accumulated illusory, and this allows Taurus how to accept it?

Key words: loss of the ability of speech

By the Mercury, Gemini guard, very much in love in speaking, every day they seem to have endlessanecdotes about gossip, they have an extremely flexible brain, fast operation, as if at any time in the organization with theinformation, and through their Expressed in a clever mouth, and shared to everyone . If one day we lost the twin presentation skills, their brains will be saturated with sinking the information no place to express the moment due to the edge of explosion, theyseemed to have lost its fun all over the world carrying on.


Key words: emotional turmoil
Cancer guarded by the moon, has been vested in the search for emotional, they need to be filled by establishing their own inner feelings of security, in particular, a stable and warm family of the crab is very important to them. If one day, their emotional world collapsed, they would think they also lose the meaning of life, life will be dark, everything is not worth fighting in operation.


Keywords: despised by the world
Leo guarded by the sun, self-esteem is very strong, they can, after many useless people, more shabby not matter, as long as no one found. But before men, Leo and directions must be dressed according to imposing man, they need to respect and even worship by others, can not bear very much contempt for others. If one day the whole world is cast aside and even contempt for the Lions, they really are would rather die than have to keep his dignity.


Key words: Life has no real meaning
Virgo by Mercury guard, through intelligent mind, to integrate any of the resources around, into productivity. They are practical and hard-working nature, the need to constantly create value and stability to enjoy their beautiful life. If one day they found their efforts everywhere do not see any good prospects, or their efforts have no meaning, they lose their life will be like the coordinate as a loss. Virgin, we will not know where to go to the building, and where self-worth, blind for Virgo is absolutely unacceptable.


Key words: boring life
Libra by Venus guard attaches great importance to the quality of life and lifestyle that they need so that their life is romantic and warm, but also colorful. If reality can not meet their full of rich imaginative life that every day only a boring job, boring life, no music, no color, no story, no all you can taste something, then the scales will be beautiful Will wither.


Key words: being betrayed
Guarded by Pluto, Scorpio, for the unfaithful lover around, they can go through anything for their emotional focus, sacrifice and dedication, but also hope that the people they trust, you can keep this for their loyalty. Scorpio is hated so betrayed their own people, Scorpio that betray their people do not only misled their judgments, but also deceived the Scorpio's emotions. When Scorpio chosen to trust, they can be said to be entrusted to the heart of each other, and once his face betrayed the people, Scorpio's heart seems to have followed the necrosis.


Key words: The control
Sagittarius guarded by Jupiter, are naturally inclined to freedom, not control what they like want to do, for all the rules are very rigid in disgust. Should someone tell them that this can not touch, that to comply, they will be very offensive, and will always be in a state of tension which, over time, the shooter will really crash.

Keywords: Business failure
Guarded by Saturn, Capricorn, have a strong sense of professionalism, for the Capricorn, the cause of not just his job, it is their kind of spiritual sustenance. Capricorn for the sustenance of the business is actually too much desire, and what money, fame, friendship, love and even the dignity they hope to get from the sake of their careers. Once the cause of their failure, then they run for the Capricorn, it means they will lose everything.


Key words: being monitored
Guardian by Uranus in Aquarius, a very independent character, they are very need their own space, whether it is thinking of shorting, or think about life, many things they all need to own a person to complete. If anyone with a mandatory way to monitor them, and Aquarius will feel very insecure. Space when they think they forcibly occupied by others, but it is nowhere to escape when the Aquarius in addition to frustration, more fear there will not help it.


Key words: competition with others
Pisces guarded by Neptune, kind nature, the courage to sacrifice, their hearts are very selfless, and do not like to compete. But living in the real world, some things had dispute. If the Beas have to face competition and can not escape, they will feel very tangled. If the Pisces in the competition won, they often have psychological self-blame, and if lost, then would lose the resources to survive, it makes Pisces should do?

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